Acronym | Meaning |
ADV | Advanced Trained Driver |
AFO | Authorised Firearms Officer |
CTSFO | Counter Terrorist Specialist Firearms Officer |
EOD | Explosive Ordnance Disposal |
OFC | Operational Firearms Commander |
PaDP | Parliamentary and Diplomatic Protection |
PIS | Police Involved Shooting |
Red Key | Breaching Device/Enforcer |
RTC | Road Traffic Collision |
SFC | Strategic Firearms Commander |
SRO | Specialist Rifle Officer |
TFC | Tactical Firearms Commander |
TPAC | Tactical Pursuit and Containment |
Trojan | 2 or more AFO in a vehicle |
Acronym | Meaning |
BRASP | Basic Covert Tips. B - Blending In, R - Risk Assess, A - Abandon, S - Surroundings, P - Positioning |
CID | Criminal Investigations Department |
Covert | When An Officer Is In An Unmarked Car & Uniform |
CRN | Crime Reference Number |
DC | Detective Constable (Same Level As A Police Constable) |
DI | Detective Inspector |
DS | Detective Sergeant (CID Sergeant) |
HCN | Hostage & Crisis Negotiations |
I/CRIM | Interviewing Criminals |
LIA | Local Intelligence Advisor, CID Trainer |
MIT | Major Investigations Team |
PIS | Police Involved Shooting |
SCD | Specialist Crime Directore |
Sting | Utilising UCOs to set up a meeting where they will make contact with the suspects. |
Strike | Word Used To Get Units To Move In & Begin Making Arrests |
Tail | Following Or Tailing A Suspect On Foot Or In A Vehicle |
UCO | Undercover Operative |
Acronym | Meaning |
CAD | Computer Aided Dispatch |
CO | Control Operator |
CRO | Call Resolution Officer |
FIM | Force Incident Manager |
Acronym | Meaning |
DSU | Dog Support Unit |
EDD | Explosive Detection Dog |
FSD | Firearms Support Dog |
GPPD | General Purpose Police Dog |
IED | Improvised Explosive Device |
FRA | First Response Advanced (Advanced First Aid For FSD) |
Acronym | Meaning |
AFR | Automatic Fingerprint Recognition |
AOP | Arresting Officer Principles |
ARO | Advanced Response Officer |
ASBO | Anti-Social Behaviour Order |
AT | Advanced Taser |
EGT | Evidence Gathering Team |
ERT | Emergency Response Team |
FIT | Forward Intelligence Team |
FRB | First Response Basic Trained Officer |
IPP | Initial Pursuit Phase |
JRU | Joint Response Unit |
PACE | Police & Criminal Evidence |
PAVA | Pelargonic Acid Vanillylamide Spray |
PBD | Prison Bus Driver |
PNC | Police National computer |
POM | Public Order Medic |
RCT | Rural Crime Team |
TSG | Territorial Support Group |
VT | Vehicle Tactics |
Flight Operations
Acronym | Meaning |
DRONE | Dynamic Remotely Operated Navigation Equipment |
HELIMED | London Air Ambulance Charity |
LZ | Landing Zone |
PAS | Police Air Service |
TFO | Tactical Flight Officer |
Acronym | Meaning |
ATV | All Terrain Vehicle |
BA | Breathing Apparatus |
HART | Hazardous Area Response Team |
IM | Intramuscular Access |
PRV | Primary Response Vehicle |
SORT | Special Operations Response Team |
SRV | Secondary Response Vehicle |
TXA | Tranexamic Acid (Used To Slow Bleeding) |
Acronym | Meaning |
ALS Cycle | The Advanced Life Support Cycle - Used To Effectively Manage A Cardiac Arrest Scenario |
ALSB | Advanced Life Support Bag |
CCP | Critical Care Paramedic |
CPR | Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation |
ESA | Emergency Surgical Airway |
ET | Endotracheal Tube |
HEMS | Helicopter Emergency Medical Service |
HOTT | H - Hypovolaemia, O - Oxygenation, T - Tension Pheumothorax, T- Tamponade |
IO | Intraosseous |
IV | Intravenous |
KTD / KTS | Kendrick Traction Device / Splint |
ROSC | Return Of Spontaneous Circulation |
RSI | Rapid Sequence Intubation |
TBI | Traumatic Brain Injury |
TXA | Tranexamic Acid (Used To Slow Bleeding) |
Vent | Ventilator |
Acronym | Meaning |
AED | Automatic External Defibrillator |
ALP | Ambulance Loading Point (Used In Triaging) |
AP | Advanced Paramedic |
ATMIST | Patient Handover |
BLSB | Basic Life Support Bag |
BP | Blood Pressure |
BVM | Bag Valve Mask |
CA | Cardiac Arrest |
CCP | Casualty Collection Point (Used In Triaging) |
DCA | Double Crewed Ambulance, also reffered as a Box Ambo |
DEFIB | Defibrillator |
DNR | Do Not Resucitate |
DOA | Dead On Arrival |
DRABC | Danger, Response, Aiways, Breathing, Circulation |
ECG | Electrocardiogram |
ESA | Emergency Surgical Airways - Form Of Airway Management |
ETHANE | Significant Incident |
FRA | First Responce Advanced |
FRB | First Responce Basic |
GCS | Glasgow Coma Scale |
GSW | Gun Shot Wound |
HART | Hazardous Area Response Team |
HEMS | Helicopter Emergency Medical Service |
IO | Intraosseous |
IV | Intravenous |
JRU | Joint Response Unit |
LAA | London Air Ambulance |
LAS | London Ambulance Service |
METHANE | Major Incident |
NHS | National Health Service |
NPA | Nasopharyngeal Airway |
NRM | Non Rebreather Mask |
OPA | Oropharyngeal Airway |
OTL | Operational Team Leader |
P1/P2/P3/P4 | Priority Grade Patient, the higher priority, the smaller the number. P4 for deceased |
PMD | Paramedic |
RR | Respiratory Rate |
RRV | Rapid Response Vehicle |
SCA | Single Crewed Ambulance |
SCW | Sucking Chest Wound |
SJ | Saint Johns |
SORT | Special Operations Response Team |
SP | Student Paramedic |
TCA | Traumatic Cardiac Arrest |
TQ | Tourniquet |
TXA | Tranexamic Acid (Used To Slow Bleeding) |
Acronym | Meaning |
ALP | Aerial Ladder Platform |
BA | Breathing Apparatus |
BAECO | Breathing Apparatus Entry Control Officer |
DPL | Dual Purpose Ladder (Pump) |
DRONE | Dynamic Remotely Operated Navigation Equipment |
ETHANE | Significant Incident |
FF | Firefighter |
FRU | Fire Rescue Unit |
HAZMAT | Hazardous Materials |
IC | Incident Commander |
LFF | Lead Firefighter |
METHANE | Major Incident |
OIC | Officer In Charge |
OSU | Operational Support Unit |
Probie | Probationary Firefighter |
RTC | Road Traffic Collision |
SC | Sector Commander |
SCBA | Self Contained Breathing Apparatus |
SFU | Small Fire Unit |
Motorways England
Acronym | Meaning |
ME | Motorways England Recovery |
DVST | Driver and Vehicle Safety Team |
IPV | Impact Protection Vehicle |
RTC | Road Traffic Collision |
TO | Traffic Officer |
VRA | Visual Risk Assessment |
VRN | Vehicle Registration Number |
Acronym | Meaning |
ADV | Advanced Trained Driver |
ANPR | Automatic Number Plate Recognition |
CE | Comercial Enforcement |
CIU | Collision Investigation Unit |
DRA | Dynamic Risk Assessment |
DUI | Driving Under the Influence |
FTS | Failure to Stop |
PIT | Pursuit Immobilisation Technique |
POLAC | Police Accident |
RCT | Roads Crime Team |
RTC | Road Traffic Collision |
RTPC | Roads Transport Policing Command |
SCIU | Serious Collision Investigation Unit |
SEG | Special Escort Group |
Stinger | Spike strips |
TC | Tactical Contact |
TPAC | Tactical Pursuit and Containment |
Contributor(s): Crusade/Ormzy