Mass Casualty Incident at Paleto Triggers Massive Emergency Response

A call came in at 19:30 earlier today, about a large factory fire in the Paleto area. LFB and NHS assets were dispatched at 19:42, upon arrival on scene and after noticing the severity of the incident at the , JO-1 declared the scene a major incident requesting for more LFB and NHS assets along with the assistance from MET police for road closures.
LFB committed to set up 2 sector commanders due to the size of the factory and commit multiple BA teams into the building to fight fires and extract casualties. The BA teams extinguished fires from opposite sides of the building working to the centre to maximise extinguishing methods and to swiftly extract casualties.
LFB successfully extracted 9 casualties from the fire and handed them over to NHS for triage where they were treated with various injuries and was transported to the hospital after being treated by Advanced and HEMS paramedics.