Multiple Suspects Jailed Over Terror Bomb Threat

An extensive response from the MET Police assisted by LAS and LFB specialist crews was activated to deal with the incident. Members of the Armed Response assisted by Counter Terrorism Officers dealt with a vehicle attempting to escape the area. An intense firefight ensued resulting in the injuries and detention of numerous suspects, as well as members of the Met Police suffering unfortunate injuries. The Hazardous Area Response Team (HART) and their SORT paramedics were staged and ready to respond to the area and extract the patients even in the uncertainty of an explosive device in the area.
Statement from DI1 TonraThe11, Incident Command for MET Police:
Members of the Royal Logistic Corps assisted by MET Police Explosive Detection Dogs were on hand to deal with the situation, unfortunately, they were not successful and an explosion occurred at approximately 00:30 Hours on Christmas Eve, Thanks to the efforts of all the Emergency services no members of the public were injured due to the evacuations of the area. Extensive Fires occurred in neighbouring buildings to the ship and Fire Fighting crews worked tirelessly to minimize the damage caused. The Port is going to be closed over the Christmas period to allow an investigation by CID's Forensics and Major Crimes Teams assisted by Military experts in EODs to ensure whoever committed these crimes will be held accountable.
Statement from HA2 Olli, Operational Commander for HART:
HART and SORT teams were dispatched to an incident that involved several terror suspects and a suspected bomb detonation in progress. We responded to a staging point of postal 21 alongside the London Ambulance Service, who was led by both Operational and Strategic level command. When we arrived, there was immediate shots towards armed officers which led to multiple suspects being taken out by armed officers. SORT was then cleared to move in and perform life-saving medical treatments for both armed officers and civilians effected. Overall the scene was very pressuring for our team but we managed to make it out with zero life extincts. Everyone will make a full recovery.