Protestors Block Major Highway

The A1 was approximately closed for 2 hours whilst the MET polices Territorial Support Group along side Specialist Operations Response Team from the London Ambulance service worked quickly to remove "Just Stop Boyle" protesters from the roadway. All the "Just Stop Boyle" protesters were eventually arrested by 22:30.
Statement from the Scene Commander - "At approximately 20:00 we were called for a "Just Stop Boyle" protest on the A1. Upon arrival we were greeted by 7 Just Stop Boyle protestors that were given a S35. Dispersal Order which enabled officers to instruct individuals to leave the area and not return for a 48 Hour period. After 2 hours of attempting to remove the Just Stop Boyle protestors with the assistance from the London Ambulance Service Specialist Operations Response Team we managed to remove and arrest all 7 suspects who are now spending time in prison under Public Order Offenses and obstruction of highway."