
1. General Rules

1.1 Respect & Behaviours
All of our players are expected to follow a friendly & respectful attitude.It is expected that all members of the server share a basic level of respect for one another, regardless of rank, background, gender, or sexuality. We have a zero tolerance policy on any form of bullying, harassment, stalking or intentional harm caused to any member of the community.

1.2 Discrimination
Discrimination of any kind will not be tolerated within PoliceMP. Although we understand people have different views and opinions, these should not be publicly shared, or broadcast if they could cause offence, distress, or upset for any of our community members.

1.3 Personal Attacks
Slander, or personal attacks of character is not acceptable. We have an excellent team of Support Services who are trained to deal with reports and complaints among other issues. If there are any issues they should be raised through the a support ticket, using /support in any of our Discord channels. Anybody maliciously spreading false information, or generating hate around any member of the community for any reason, justified or otherwise, will be dealt with accordingly.

1.4 Doxxing
Doxing individuals will not be tolerated. Any attempts to share, gather, or “leak” any individual's personal information maliciously, or without their full consent will result in a permanent ban from our community.

1.5 Impersonation
You must not impersonate or attempt to impersonate any member of the community or apply any role, or callsign to yourself which you have not been assigned.

1.6 Scripts, Hacking & Exploits
Using any external programs, scripts or in any way abusing any systems in place maliciously will be dealt with seriously, and at moderators discretion. While we do appreciate people presenting bugs, and errors to our team, we do not encourage anybody to actively try to find these issues, or abuse them.

1.7 Advertising
You are not allowed to advertise other communities, servers, or services within our community. The forms of advertising that is disallowed includes, but are not limited to:

1.7.1 Links

  • Linking to other communities, or any pages not explicitly affiliated with PoliceMP, in any form, will not be tolerated, and will be dealt with on a case by case basis.

1.7.2 Discord Status’ / Name

  • If you are of a rank of Band 1 or above, your discord status or name should not include direct reference, or links to communities, pages, sites or other services not explicitly affiliated with PoliceMP.

1.7.3 Other

  • Sharing images, media, or Livestream information related to communities or services not explicitly affiliated with PoliceMP will not be tolerated. This includes screen sharing.
  • Any other actions, which can be reasonably interpreted as advertising will be dealt with on a case by case basis at moderator discretion.

1.8 Chain of Command & Complaints
Members higher up in the chain of command than you should be respected, and their instructions followed, within reason. If a member of staff or someone within your chain of command, in any way makes you uncomfortable, upset or distressed they should be reported. See 1.3

1.9 Moderation & Penalties
Moderators and the Senior Management will always have final discretion over any form of punishment and their decision is final. Bans can be disputed through the proper channels on the Dashboard.

1.10 Information Sharing
If you have access to sensitive or private information due to your rank, it should not be shared in public channels, nor with anybody who does not also hold this rank or have access to the same information. This includes sharing information from the donator early access build with non-donators.

1.10.1 Conflict Of Interest

If you hold a rank of Band 1 or above or a Moderator role in another British Roleplay Community you will not be eligible to hold certain roles/ranks in PoliceMP. If we are made aware you are in breach of this rule, we reserve the right to temporarily remove your roles/rank pending investigation by Senior Staff. We also reserve the right to remove your position if you are found in breach of this rule if ultimately deemed necessary. This has been done to protect the interests of PoliceMP due to recent events.

(Disclaimer - Any non-british roleplay community is fine i.e. American RP. You can play on other British servers under the rank of SGT)

1.11 Chain of Command & Support
Always follow the Chain of Command. If you are unsure of who to contact, contact someone that is one rank above you. They will be able to assist you and follow the Chain themselves.
All players are expected to comply with the rules and laws at all times and are also expected to follow orders/commands given by any Command members

Current Chain of Command:
PC - SGT - Inspector - Chief Insp - Superintendent - Commissioner.

1.12 Attitude
You should treat all members of the community equally. You should not be treating members of the community which are more prominent [Streamers, High rank, etc.] any different from PCSOs in terms of your attitude and demeanour.

1.13 Staff roles
Founder, Senior Staff, Community and Development Team are considered staff members in this community.

2. Server Rules

2.0 Terms of Service
Follow the FiveM ToS and Community guidelines.

2.1 Permitted Vehicles
All officers may only use vehicles that they are explicitly permitted to drive, and are available in their Police Garage. Civilian vehicles, other Officers vehicles, or prop vehicles around the map should not be used in normal circumstances. You should respect Police vehicles and use them appropriately. Deliberately damaging Police vehicles could result in punishment

2.2 Driving Standards
All officers are expected to drive in a legal and appropriate manner at all times unless responding to an emergency call. When responding to emergencies the correct driving methods should be followed depending on the grade of the call. Officers are expected to show the correct manners of driving whilst driving including: stopping at traffic lights, slowing for junctions and not driving off-road. You should never drive the wrong way down a road, even in pursuit or responding to an emergency call.

2.3 Use of Force
Use of force - force should only be used when absolutely required, this includes the use of the baton, fists, taser, a weapon or a vehicle. Officers must not point weapons at other officers, their vehicles or AI, unless absolutely necessary. Under no circumstances should an officer attack or harm civilians or AI, unless absolutely necessary.

2.4 Pursuits [FTS]
Only officers who have received the relevant training may attend pursuits. PCs and PCSOs are allowed to pull vehicles over, in case of pursuit being triggered the initiating officer may follow the pursuit from a distance whilst requesting the attendance of the relevant divisions. When the divisions arrive the initiating officer may follow the pursuit from a safe distance, if reasonable. Non-trained officers should not attach to pursuits, carry out any tactics such as tactical contact or manoeuvres such as a PIT or vehicle ram.

2.5 Scene Commanding
Only Senior PCs with the Scene Commanding training or Sergeants and above may take charge of a scene at their discretion. Officers are expected to follow orders given by the scene commander and should not undermine their decision.

2.6 Moderating on the server
Moderators are there to moderate the server. Players who are not moderators trained, should not be attempting to moderate for the server and may be punished for doing so. Under no circumstances should a non-mod follow other officers in order to gather evidence, attach their camera to another officer, discipline players on behalf of other moderators or take matters into their own hands. If there are no moderators available, one can be requested via the #support channel on Discord. It is encouraged for players to educate and help each other grow, but punishment falls exclusively to the role of moderator.

2.7 Radio and Communication
Radio communications should be kept professional. Officers should not spam, shout, speak over others or make undesired sounds while using the radio. When on the scene, local speech should be used to broadcast. As an alternative, the F2 Backup menu may be used to request backup. Please note, the panic button must only be used when there is a risk to the life of an officer.

2.8 Spawning items
Players have the ability to spawn items such as traffic cones and barriers to aid in their day to day Policing on the server. Placing them maliciously or placing them then disconnecting and failing to remove them is likely to result in punishment. You should also be considerate with your placement not to block any garages or public highways unless absolutely required at the time.

2.9 Removal of roles
We reserve the right to remove any role from any user without any reason, this includes role resets etc.

3. Roleplay Rules

3.1 Acceptable Roleplay
Always Roleplay as your role. Although this is a game, and we are all here to have fun, a certain degree of professionalism is expected. You should, to the best of your ability, be acting as a Police Officer.

3.2 Appropriate Roleplaying
Roleplaying that has the potential to make others feel uncomfortable is not tolerated. This could include sexual roleplay, racist roleplay, etc

3.2 Forced Roleplay
Don't force Roleplay on people. This includes arresting other officers, purposefully involving them in scenes they do not wish to join, or creating major incidents that require a large officer attendance without good reason.

3.3 Fail Roleplay
Do not fail RP. A car crash from 30MPH to a standstill is likely to cause injury and will almost certainly deactivate your vehicle until it can be repaired. The Police Equipment is heavy and means you will sink if you enter the water. You are not superman and can not survive massive falls and continue running. Try to always RP your injuries where appropriate.

3.4 Civilian Roleplay
Civilian Roleplay is for ‘Civ Trained’ members only. You are free to roleplay as an officer, within reason but you should not be roleplaying as anything other than an officer unless explicitly authorised by a high ranking member of command.

4. Discord Rules

4.0 Terms of Service
Follow the Discord Terms of Service.
Follow the Discord Community Guidelines.

4.1 Use respected channels properly
#Media is exclusively for pictures, videos or other content of, or directly relating to PoliceMP. You are free to post a caption with a picture, and you are free to react to posts but you should not send text messages in the channel unless you create a thread.

4.2 Unacceptable content
Do not post any pornography, gore, violent or otherwise NSFW content in any text chats including NSFW.

4.3 Chain of Command
Follow the chain of command when contacting people. Make sure you are contacting players one rank higher than you initially. Do not message Bronze/Silver/Gold straight away as often your problem can be solved with a #support ticket or by a lower-ranked officer.

4.4 Unnecessary user/role mentions

Do not ping higher staff for unnecessary reasons, they're all very busy. You are allowed to ping them but make sure you have a valid reason to do so. (Higher staff count as Chief Inspector+)

4.5 Advertising

Advertising is not tolerated in PoliceMP. We do not allow advertising in our discord channels or DM advertising, doing this will result in an instant ban.