
Flight Operations

Flight Operations is a dedicated support services division within PoliceMP, responsible for the operation and management of a variety of aircraft assets that provide essential air support to police and emergency operations. The division oversees a diverse fleet, including the National Police Air Service (NPAS), Helicopter Emergency Medical Services (HEMS), Counter Terrorism Flight, Police Drone Operators, and Fixed Wing aircraft. The primary mission of Flight Operations is to provide effective aerial support to ground units, ensuring rapid and strategic assistance whenever needed. Whether it’s supporting suspect searches, vehicle pursuits, counter-terrorism operations, or medical emergencies, Flight Operations plays a key role in enhancing public safety and operational efficiency. Pilots within Flight Operations are responsible for maintaining aircraft functionality, ensuring passenger safety, and conducting thorough flight planning, including weather assessments, to ensure the safe and effective execution of missions.

Advanced Technology and Safety Systems

Flight Operations employs the latest in aviation technology to ensure the highest levels of safety and operational efficiency. All aircraft within the fleet are equipped with Traffic Alert and Collision Avoidance Systems (TCAS), providing real-time warnings of nearby aircraft to help prevent collisions and ensure safe separation in busy airspace.

In addition all helicopters have a unique Helihud startup feature completing safety checks as it starts its engines with the APU (Auxiliary power unit) and Temp checks and starting each engine within the Sequence of the Heli hud.


The NPAS (National Police Air Service) provides nationwide air support, assisting police forces across PoliceMP with a range of operations, including suspect searches, vehicle pursuits, public order events, and counter-terrorism operations. NPAS aircraft are equipped with state-of-the-art surveillance technology, allowing for real-time coordination with ground units and control rooms to ensure mission success.


The Counter Terrorism Flight operates our DAUPHIN helicopters, specialised rotary platforms used exclusively by Counter Terrorist Specialist Firearms Officers (CTSFO). Pilots of the DAUPHIN are among the most experienced in Flight Operations, performing high-risk tasks such as surveillance, search and rescue, and rapid deployments. The DAUPHIN ensures quick responses to critical incidents and provides fast access to hard-to-reach locations.


The HEMS (Helicopter Emergency Medical Services) fleet provides life-saving medical assistance through airborne trauma teams. Operating 24/7, HELIMED functions as a small, airborne Accident & Emergency department. Each mission is staffed by a full trauma team, consisting of a pilot, a clinical care practitioner, and a doctor. This highly skilled team is capable of performing complex medical procedures, such as open-heart surgery, blood transfusions, and anaesthesia, directly at the scene. The ability to provide advanced medical care in critical situations greatly enhances the chances of survival and patient recovery, especially in remote or hard-to-reach locations where time is of the essence.


Police Drone Operations specialise in Drones, or UAVs (Unmanned Aerial Vehicles), offer versatile and cost-effective aerial support. These aircraft are remotely operated and equipped with various sensors and cameras to assist with navigation, surveillance, and data collection. Drones provide a unique vantage point and are particularly useful in operations where deploying a full-sized helicopter may not be necessary or practical, such as routine surveillance or monitoring large crowds.


The NPAS Fixed Wing aircraft is a highly specialised asset, flown by the most senior pilots within Flight Operations. Designed for extended flight times and superior speed, the Fixed Wing aircraft is perfect for long-range surveillance and large-scale operations, such as public order events or major security threats. Unlike helicopters, fixed-wing aircraft cannot hover, requiring pilots to adapt their skills to a different style of flight. Its superior range and speed make it ideal for rapid response and prolonged patrols.

To apply for a role within Flight Operations, candidates must meet the following eligibility criteria:

● You must be ranked PC or Higher.

● You must have passed ERT probation

● You must have a clean TX in last 6 weeks (warnings and bans from a moderator, not divisional)

● You must have been a PC for at least 20 Hours at the time of applying

● A valid Comms Ticket is desirable but it is not essential

● You must be mature and sensible, as well as exhibit good behaviour

● Have a good attitude towards others, and respect others

● Exhibit high standards at all times

Once accepted, new pilots undergo comprehensive training to gain proficiency in piloting various aircraft, including NPAS Helicopters, Counter Terrorism Flight Dauphins, HEMS Helicopters, Police Drone Operators, and Fixed Wing aircraft.

Flight Operations also offers a stepping stone for PC+ officers, who, after completing at least one week of probation and who have completed IPP training, may apply to become Tactical Flight Officers holding a Comms Ticket qualification. In this role, they support pilots by utilising the advanced camera systems employed by NPAS, gaining valuable experience while assisting with aerial operations.

For further training in Flight ops and unique sub divisions once accepted and a part of flight operations the below is the requirements to the sub divisions below:

  • NPAS Helicopter Training (To be completed once accepted as a pilot)
  • MET Dauphin Training (10 hours of flight time to be eligible)
  • HEMS Helicopter Training (15 hours of flight time to be eligible)
  • MET Drone Training (25 hours of flight time to be eligible)
  • NPAS Fixed Wing Training (By application only)

Meet our team

ItzClapham - (E6)
Aux Ops Manager
WillRunci - (NI1)
Head of Flight Op's
Anojan - (NS1)
Flight Captain
jamie1 - (NS2)
Flight Captain
Marshall - (NS3)
Flight Captain