Civilian Roleplay
Being a Civilian in PoliceMP isn’t your normal experience.
Your main role will be to provide amazing roleplay opportunities for absolutely everyone on the server whether that is creating fires and being a trapped person for the London Fire Brigade to rescue or becoming a criminal mastermind for the police to track down and bring you to justice. Maybe you just want to be a witness, informant or even just a law-abiding citizen. We want to keep every division active and make sure they are having fun whenever they book on shift. We aim to make them think, investigate, make decisions and immerse themselves in the world of Police MP.
We do Civ RP events on a regular basis, each with a variety of different situations that aims to include the whole community.
No matter what you want to do, you are there to create completely unique and immersive scenarios for everyone to deal with.
The server is at your imagination, the world is your oyster, and the future of the emergency services is at your fingertips.
Being a ‘Civ’, you have access to a wide array of unique commands and assets such as:
- A full set of civilian vehicles
- Access to a list of enterable properties for use to create your scenes
- The choice of hundreds of premade pedestrian models from Base GTA allowing you to blend in with the crowd and strike when least expected.
- Hide your nametag so you are undiscoverable to other players
- A full array of melee weapons at your disposal
- Access to a professional CAD system allowing you to create a past and present life for your characters.
- Access to firearms to keep the armed police on their toes (Subject to Training)
Becoming a Civilian
As a whitelisted role within the server this is an application only role and applications open up frequently.
Requirements are a minimum of 30 hours playtime on the server excluding AFK time and to be ranked PC or equivalent. Any TX history (warning and bans) within the last 6 weeks will be considered for the application. Creativity and responsibility are the key terms within the Civilian Division.
Progress within the division
Once you have successfully completed your probationary period you are free to apply for further training when they are open for applicants.
This includes FTS apps which give you the ability to initiate pursuits and “Fail To Stop” for police. Being chased by officers in game can be very fun and exciting. As CivRP FTS trained you may find yourself in a situation where you are now in a vehicle pursuit.
We also have firearms training. This is a highly sought after tag which enables you to use firearms as part of your scenes. Being trained in using firearms as a civ is an extremely trusted part of our division and it's something that everyone wants to do. There will be limited places to trusted individuals and you will be looked up to by not only the rest of Civ, but also the entire server.
In addition, we also have is the ability to roleplay as a solicitor, subject to application/training, this will enable you to represent your client as a defence solicitor while they are in police custody by advising them of the charge(s) and evidence the police are looking at. Then representing them whilst in their interview.
The Civilian Command team in collaboration with RTPC Command has recently introduced the Matrix MVET storylines allowing civilians to immerse themselves in deeply engaging and personalized roleplay opportunities. These storylines begin with an origin story that defines who your character is, their motivations, and their place in the RP world. Are you a young dealer making a name for yourself on the streets, a county lines distributor expanding your network, or a daring car thief building an empire with runners and export companies? You choose your fate. With MVET, your actions matter. Breadcrumbs you leave behind from your known associates, home addresses, linked vehicles, and even your workplace. Becoming an integral clue for officers investigating your storyline. Every civilian has the opportunity to shape their character's path, from a small-time criminal to a kingpin—or a redemption arc where they leave behind their life of crime. MVET empowers you to decide your character's destiny through meaningful, dynamic roleplay.
In Civilian Command we are always on the lookout for dedicated and professional individuals to progress into the role of Senior Civilian. This role enables you to carry out training for civilians and also authorise certain things within your relevant teams. As an added perk for your additional help/commitments within the division you are granted full access to the customchar command enabling the creation of your own unique characters and access to a comprehensive wardrobe.
Meet our team